Saturday, April 19, 2008 @ 3:56 AM
its been a week plus since i update.
how time flies.. today mark the last day of working ar ITS. its only 3 blog entries down when i blog abt my work here. now i am blogging abt my last day.. it has been a great time working here and its really a God given job.. how can u find a company that allows msn, ask u to simply wait to knock off at 4pm, coming late at least 15 mins to work, great great company of people and still pay well! i will certainly miss this place though i am here for only 1 month. this is my first job that i dont dread coming in to work daily.
my department people are so nice. though i dont interact much with them except for tricia, they bought me a nike bag! i took a photo of it in my phone, but i am too lazy to get it uploaded. i was so surprised they would even bother. i was still thinking to myself, would anyone care that i am leaving since i am only here for 1 month.. but, they are really nice. hahahs. i should upload a photo of the bag.. its like a sporty kinda sling bag with some gold printed MANCHESTER UNITED word printed on it.. hahahas. i kinda laugh when i saw MAN U, cos i actually like liverpool.
i got my school timetable yesterday. i can really proclaim that poly is really a slackers' paradise. somehow, i got posted to do 2 CDS this sem when most of my friends are doing 1. but even with the 2 CDS, guess what! my tuesdays and fridays got only 2 hours lesson! i start school at 2pm on thursday. only monday and wednesday feels like school. kinda looking forward to school! because! i got meizhen and beeyan in the same class as me! *do a little dance*
i really hate changing class and i dreaded year 2 cos i thought i would be all alone. need to restart the cycle of making new firends. i really dont like it.. i can still remember last year, first day of school was like hell, i got no friends and i went home, nearly cried cos its so horrible. i sound like some kindergarten kid right. but, seriously.. and i still remember chris even sent me an MMS to just get me happier when i went to school on day 2.. this year, no more new class jitters! but Van is no longer in the same class as me... sigh.. but on the bright side, we have a few lectures together..
anyway, i chopped my hair short(ugly-er) last saturday. yes. WHY! because my boyfriend left me! hahas. no, i am just kidding.
lesson learnt: NEVER CHANGE YOUR HAIR STYLIST. if he is busy on that day when u call for an appointment, change the day. seriously.
i thought other hair stylist in the salon cant be that bad since you know.. same salon & its colorbar. but sorry, no. things dont work like that. so.. it explains. my short fringe and short hair.. its ok.. hair can grow back.. so i am not too worried. afterall, its not like theres an important date coming up.. so i can afford to not look so good.
oh! cg is tonight and we are gg to sing the song i chose, "you are deserving of all the praises Lord"
its has been ringing in my head since wednesday.. somehow, it just gets into me.. and i was talking to chris just now and he was just saying, his cg worship song today is nice.. he said, "how great you are" at first i thought i didnt know the song, so i told him the worship song for my cg tonight is nice too! then i told, "you are deserving of all the praises Lord".. only then i realised, its the same song.. he said the chorus and i said the verse. hahas. its the flow tonight and i love it..
alright.. need to zap some book now.. ohh. you know what! i love photocopying stuff and anything to do with the photocopy machine and binding machine. i get excited when i can bind a book! crazy i know.. i have a secret love for it.. hahahas. i sound psychotic.
i have to upload this before i go,

did i mention, i got my riverisland wallet 2 weeks ago. :) love.